Lighting Retrofit

LEDs have become the gold standard of cost-effective lighting over the last decade. LEDs come in endless styles with various brightness, warmth, and color levels to fit your needs. When it comes to reducing your carbon footprint and saving
money – LEDs are no doubt the best green energy solution.

Since lighting accounts for 15-20% of a standard commercial building’s energy usage, every day spent without LED lights is burning cash. With more than half of the floor space in the nation’s commercial buildings still being lit by standard fluorescent lights, there’s a lot of wasted energy and money out there.

Request a Lighting Retrofit, Including:

  • Analyzing Your Current Light Fixtures And Bulbs
  • A Proposal Of Recommendations For Improvements
  • Installation Of LED Bulbs And New Fixtures
  • Lighting Automation

Contact Herzog Electric today
to get started

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